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What is "felting"?

The craft of felting is one of the oldest techniques of textile production and has endured to this day.


The fibers of sheep wool have very fine barbs. If you add warm water and soap to the wool fibers, the barbs stand up. At first, the wool needs to be gently rubbed and pressed by hand. Over time, with increased force and working the fibers become matted and interlocked. Felt is created!


With the appropriate choice of material and color and suitable felting technique, a variety of surfaces and structures can be created. Wool can also be combined with other materials, such as wood, stone, metal, fabric and other fibers.


Felt can be used in a wide variety of areas: for example, in clothing and accessories, as decorative home ideas, utilitarian objects and art objects, or in interior design.


Let yourself be inspired by the creative diversity of felting!
