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What does filz&emotion stand for?

Filz (felt) stands first of all for working with wool and making beautiful felt artworks. But there is so much more...


The felting process is involuntarily associated with a whole bouquet of different feelings:

At the beginning of a felting project, there is often uncertainty but also anticipation about how the planned object will come out. Even during the actual felting, doubts arise again and again as to whether everything will turn out well. Here it is necessary to learn to trust in one's own abilities and the process.


Also, during felting, not everything always works out right away: the wool doesn't interlock as desired, unsightly spots appear, and in the worst case, holes appear. This quickly leads to a lot of frustration and disappointment. In these moments, a lot of endurance, keeping calm and patience is required.


Through the uniform work of laying out the wool, rolling and matting the felt object, one dives as if by itself into a meditative energy and relaxing calm

Often the felting process alone helps when negative emotions, such as agitation, are present. 


Again and again surprising results arise, which sometimes are initially rejected and then have to be accepted. Here it is important to get involved in the work and learn to let go of the fact that you can't control everything when felting.


In the end, however, there is always joy and pride in the successful felting miracle.


Felting in these moments is like magic!

Emotion is representative for my Life Coaching.



Just as with felting, you penetrate deeper and deeper into yourself during the coaching and come closer to your true inner core - it is ultimately also about recognizing how you think, feel and act.
In short: You can recognize who you really are!


It is quite normal that a lot of thoughts and emotions come up during the coaching process. 

If you are willing to take a look behind your facade and allow positive as well as negative emotions, then you can set an inner process in motion that is conducive to your personal development


I will accompany you as an expert.



Anitarini Bauer