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Coaching Process

  1. Step: Free get-to-know-you meeting (approx. 20 minutes).
    In this first non-binding meeting we will get to know each other. I will explain my coaching approach and clarify all your questions. You will have the opportunity to find out if you feel understood and safe.  


  2. Step: Individual one-to-one coaching

    If the "chemistry" between us fits, we agree together on the extent to which we will work together. As a rule, I accompany my clients in finding their own solutions over several weeks. I will be happy to make you an individual offer.

    In order to make your coaching sustainable, there is room between sessions to let sink in what has been discussed and if necessary, to deepen it in the context of voluntary homework.



👉 With the help of our coaching sessions, you develop the solution approaches for your concerns yourself: You receive help to help yourself.


free initial consultation




What you can contribute to a successful coaching

  • You take over a high active part of the speech in the coaching, 
    to describe details about your topic.

  • In doing so, you openly, independently and actively shape the coaching process.

  • You set the focus and pace of the collaboration.

  • The clearer your objectives are, the more effective the coaching can be:
    Therefore, it is helpful if you yourself define your goals and openly formulate your wishes and needs.

  • A key success factor in coaching is your willingness to self-reflect. 


    👉 You are the expert of your concern