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Ease - Self-confidence - Satisfaction

Individual psychological Life Coach

intuitive - appreciative - empathetic

Anitarini Bauer


...that sounds so easy and too good to be true?


You want to finally feel comfortable in your skin and be allowed to be who you really are?


The frequent conflicts in your private relationship or at work are wearing you down?


You have the feeling that you are standing still and just can't get ahead?




👉 Are you ready to change something about it?

👉 Then join my life coaching!

👉 Book your non-binding & free initial consultation




     free initial consultation





Der Schlüssel bist Du



You are the key...

and the necessary knowledge and answers are already within you!




My coaching approach

Solution- and resource-oriented - systemic - individualpsychological


Through coaching with me, you will receive the support to find the path that is right for you, in order to lead a fulfilled and satisfied life.



In my life coaching sessions, you have the choice of which topic we should tackle together.


In particular, I can support you with the following topics:

  • Become a "feel-good person" 
    through unrestricted self-acceptance

  • Strengthen your self-confidence / self-esteem 
    & develop your full potential

  • Achieve more satisfaction, balance & fulfillment 
    for fulfilling relationships


👉 Are you ready to invest in yourself? 

👉 Then book a non-binding & free of charge 
      initial consultation with me.


      free initial consultation




Bin ich gut genug
Spiegel Vorhalterin



You find in me a...


Through active listening and appropriate questions, I encourage you to reflect on your thinking and behaviors. 


Space provider & process designer:
I create a space where you are allowed to let go and have the opportunity to change your perspective. 


I encourage you to develop your own solutions and give you impulses & exercises at the appropriate point, which you are welcome to try out for yourself.