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Your benefit by my coaching

If you decide for this coaching, you give yourself the greatest gift! 


Because you take time for yourself, get to know yourself (better) and will be able to grow and blossom through this knowledge.

Knowing yourself better allows you to increase your self-acceptance, develop self-compassion and practice mindful self-care.

From this new awareness, you will be able to proactively shape your life and pursue your personal goals with ease and confidence.


After all, the most important person in your life is you!


free initial consultation

Self-acceptance & self-love

You have transformed your negative beliefs, released inner blocks and made peace with your inner critic.

You have developed unconditional self-love and are more loving towards yourself. 

You feel comfortable with yourself, happier, more relaxed, more fulfilled and more grateful.


You have gotten to know yourself even better.
Your thought and behavior patterns have become transparent for you.
You have received valuable impulses that have stimulated you to think and question.

New perspectives

In addition to your old thought patterns, you have learned new perspectives and have opened up new angles and options for action.


You are focused and know what is really important to you - without losing sight of the big picture.
You define for yourself what success means, align yourself accordingly and take action in a goal-oriented way.


Your perspective has increased and your insecurities reduced.

You have clarity where you stand, where you want to go and what paths there are to his goals.

You know how and where to start to change your life to your satisfaction.

Self-Determination & Self-Care

Your ability to detach your thinking, feeling and acting from external influences has increased.
You are able to define a life according to your wishes and ideas in order to lead a satisfied life.
You feel encouraged to say "no" more often and to set boundaries.

Decision-making authority

You have created awareness for your needs, feelings, goals and abilities. This makes it easier for you to make self-confident and sustainable decisions for yourself.

Solution- and resource-oriented mindset

You think less about the causes of problems.
You know your own resources and can build on them.
Your attention is on the opportunities and alternatives.

Professional feedback

You received accurate and appropriate feedback throughout the coaching process about how I perceived you and your situation.




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