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This is me - founder of filz&emotion


My name is Anitarini Bauer and I would like to introduce myself to you.


With filz&emotion I have combined my two personal heart fields: felting and life coaching.

I take the liberty to cultivate these fields for myself, but also to combine them when needed.

Below you will learn a little more about my background in these two fields.


Anitarini Bauer











"Felting for me is a way
to practice patience,

to dive into a meditative energy

and to give space to my creativity.

This creates a deep sense of
inner peace and happiness."

My way as an felt artist

Sheep have possessed a magical attraction for me since childhood. The quiet peaceful nature of grazing sheep triggered a feeling of well-being in me every time.

It was during my children's kindergarten years that I first came into contact with felting. For the start of school of my eldest daughter I had the desire to felt a lasting school bag. Under the guidance of my sister-in-law, my first hollow body was created.

The foundation stone of my way with the felt was laid.


From 2010, I initially engaged in felting autodidactically for a long time with felting and attended various felting workshops.


In 2019, I started an education as a felt designer at felt school in Oberrot-Neuhausen.


Since 2021, I have dedicated myself fully to the subject of felting as part of my freelance self-employment. 


In 2023 I was proud to receive my certificate as a felt designer.


I am happy to pass on what I have learned from my felting education to you in my workshops.

You will also benefit from the wealth of experience I have gained in working experimentally with felt.

In the meantime, felting means much more to me than just making beautiful one-of-a-kind pieces.

Fascinating are the almost inexhaustible possibilities to process the wool and create unique things.

If you are willing to get involved in felting, you can give free rein to your own creativity.

The result is often surprising, but always creates fascination, happiness and satisfaction at the same time!


What does felting mean to me?

What does felting mean to me?

My path to becoming a life coach

After the birth of my children, a change in values took place within me that brought values such as self-love, self-actualization and contentment to the forefront.


Therefore, I started to deal with personal development, positive change in everyday life and the question of how to achieve a satisfied life.


Dealing with hindering patterns and dealing with feelings, stress, negative beliefs and blockages as well as increasing self-worth and self-love took a central role.



This personal development process prompted me to end my employment in brand management at the end of 2020.


I took my first steps towards self-realization and the development of my potential at the end of 2021 with the start of my freelance work as a felt artist.

Through the individual psychological education as a life coach in 2022/2023, I fulfilled my desire to be able to professionally accompany other people in their personal development towards more ease, self-confidence and self-love.


Professional stations & qualification

Business cards_filz&emotion


Start of self-employment as an individualpsychological life coach, Backnang, Germany

2022 – 2023

Individualpsychological training as a life coach, VFTC, Berlin


Start of self-employment as freelance felt artist, Backnang 

2019 – 2023

Professional education as a certified felt artist, Filzschule Wollknoll, Oberrot-Neuhausen, Germany


Qualification as certified Daimler Business Trainer, Daimler AG, Stuttgart

2013 – 2020

Brand manager, Daimler AG / Mercedes-Benz AG, Stuttgart

2005 – 2013

Parental leave

2003 – 2005

Product Manager of the Maybach brand, DaimlerChrysler AG, Sindelfingen

2001 – 2003

International Management Associate Program, DaimlerChrysler AG, Stuttgart

2000 – 2001

International Human Resources Specialist, KPMG DTG AG, Stuttgart

1996 – 1997    

Master of Business Administration (MBA), Portland State University, Oregon, USA

1993 – 2000

Degree in Economics, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany