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What can you expect from filz&emotion?

Samenkapsel Quadrat

Unique felt products


With my unique pieces I do not only want to offer you beautiful products. I also want to share with you the joy that accompanies me in my work.


Just have a look at my gallery.


Do you like one of my felt pieces or would you like to commission an individual felt piece or artwork?


Then simply make a non-binding request via contact form. I will be happy to get in touch with you for further details.

Schüssel Wolle Seife

Felting workshops


Through the felting courses I would like to awaken your enthusiasm for felting. In addition, I want to share with you my knowledge of this beautiful, time-honored craft.


Do you want to learn the old felting craft and felt a special piece yourself?

Do you want to be inspired by new techniques?

Or would you like to expand your existing felting knowledge?
Then take part in one of my individual felting workshops.


Do you just want to unwind and explore the design possibilities with wool?
Here you will find space for creative experimentation with wool.

How about a teambuilding event?
Experience in a joint project what it means to create something new as a team.
Take the opportunity to meet each other creatively on a different level.

Buddha1_rg_Anitarini Bauer

Life Coaching


You are the focus of my 1:1 coaching sessions. Besides, you are the best expert for your life.


I accompany you with appreciation and at eye level in your change process towards more fulfillment in life and sustainable positive change.


The overall goal of my coaching is to help you find appropriate coping mechanisms in challenging situations, more autonomy and flexibility in your actions, more self-confidence and self-acceptance.


In my coaching you will find the space

  • to (re)discover yourself,
  • to come into your power,
  • to change old patterns and unfavorable behaviors,
  • reduce stress and
  • achieve personal goals.