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With felt&emotion to your creative way of living


"Happiness is when what you think, what you say,
and what you do are in harmony."  
(Mahatma Gandhi)



Anitarini Bauer
Anitarini Bauer
Anitarini Bauer
Anitarini Bauer


Through my creative approach, I want to help you find more fulfillment and happiness in your life.


Fascination felt


Let yourself be invited to the fascinating world of



When felting wool, you can explore the versatile and exciting design possibilities with the wool fibers.


Different structures and shapes offer you the possibility to create great effects for your felt object.


Paired with a skillful choice of material and color, unique results are created that spread joy, happiness and a deep feeling of satisfaction at the same time - pure inspiration!

Get out of your brain an right into creativity and feeling.




Life Coaching

Find more ease, self-confidence and satisfaction!


How would it be to go through life with more ease and self-confidence, to live a content and happy life and to know that you are just right the way you are?


In my coaching sessions I support you in giving shape to your personal wishes and ideas for your life.

You will not only get to know yourself, your wishes and needs, but you will also find in me a companion in achieving your personal goals.


You have the choice in every moment how you want to spend your precious time of life.


You have only this one life - make something out of it!